Friday, May 8, 2020

Fourteen In Quarantine!

My baby is turning 14! Kyle is seriously one of the coolest kids I know. He's horribly sarcastic. A bit of a butthole. And can be a drama king.

He's also loving and funny and sincere in what he says. He loves David, his dogs, mom, dad, Amy, Holland, and God.

Again.....he's not totally into the sappy and loving blog posts so I have started to include him in a lot of the things I write about him.

I asked some friends on Facebook to shoot him some questions about his life and his life in quarantine. 

1. Is your hair growing? Do you have enough for a man bun? Can you ever see yourself sporting a man bun?

Kyle's response: Does that answer your question??

2. If your face had to be a snapchat filter forever, which one would it be? 

Kyle's response:

3. What are your top 3 things you can't live without??

Kyle's response: David, Chase, and Gunner

4. Who has been your all time favorite neighbor family? (answer carefully)

Kyle's response: I know who said that. It was Michelle. And yes. It's the Zelharts

5. What is one thing you are not going to miss once quarantine is over?

Kyle's response: I am NOT going to miss homeschooling. It can go die in a hole. (LOL)

6. Who annoys you the most during quarantine?

Kyle's response: You.....wait that's not true.....Holland (apparently he's getting a taste of having a typical sibling at his dad's)

7. Do you remember to brush your teeth everyday? 

Kyle's response; Yes. Mainly. (I can attest that this is a fib)

8. If you can spend quarantine with the characters in any movie, what movie would it be?

Kyle's response: Wonder because that kid is amazing.

9. What's one thing you've learned about yourself while in quarantine?

Kyle's response: I think too much about things that don't need to be thought too much about.

10. If you could give 2020 a slogan for the first part of the year, what would it be?

Kyle's response: 2020. The Year of CoronaCrap

Happy 14th Birthday Kyle! The years have been long and hard at some times and so fast and rewarding the other times!!!!! I love you so much!!!

1 comment:

  1. You’re an awesome guy, Kyle! Love the man bun! Happy birthday!!
