Sunday, March 26, 2017

Right Now

I was asked the other day if I was taking a break from blogging.

The truth is-I've never been a consistent writer on this blog. I share a lot on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. I have a Snapchat account, but in reality, I don't really know how to use it other than playing with the filters with Kyle. I love sharing pictures of the kids with family and friends near and far. But I almost always have those on a private setting.

This blog came about as a way for me to write my feelings down for the boys to read as they got older. I never expected it to be read by many people besides family. I share it with a virtual world and my last several posts have gotten thousands of views. Which is quite shocking to me. I absolutely cannot believe that people want to read about our life as a family living with special circumstances. For the last few months, I have been letting more people in when I share on social media. I would LOVE to connect with more special needs families and possibly share experiences, joys, concerns, and bad days. I would especially love to connect with more people in the You-Hoover-Fong community. And I haven't been able to do that yet. So the more I share, the more possibilities there might be to find at least one other family.

Lately-----Things have been fine. Not always great. Not always bad. But fine. In actuality, when I'm not blogging it probably just means that our lives have been pretty unremarkable. David has been going to school. He did have some tests done to follow up from his hospitalization in January (Which someone also asked me to write about-I'm not sure when I will be ready to do that. It was a really hard and scary week & writing it down may bring back much of the anxiety that went along with it.) His tests he had were normal. He also has to have a skin biopsy done soon. Which will be done to gather more information on his new diagnosis of YHFS. We're still trying to regulate David's gut & intestinal troubles. Which is a forever challenge that we will never be rid of. Some of those days can be interesting......but too much information for someone not used to dealing with so much poop. LOL.  Kyle struggled in the weeks following David's hospitalization, but he is doing so much better now. I can't imagine being in his shoes and trying to process what his brother is going through as well as parents who are dealing with emotional turmoil and trying to hide it from him (and not doing a very good job-at least on my end). He got his report card and got all A's and 2 B's, so we were super proud of him. He is gearing up for his season of running races, and is hoping to run a 10K in May. I'm waiting to sign him up for that one just to make sure he's ready.

Other than that, we're just getting through life together. It may not always be happy. It's definitely not always sad. But right now we're just kind of in between. I will take unremarkable any day over the last few months. It gives us a bit of a "normalcy" that we like to strive for. It may not be the kind of normal that you live, but it is our normal.

Just a couple of pictures from this afternoon. Just a little bit of a happy snippet from a laid-back afternoon.

Kyle would also like me to request that everyone be thinking of questions for an upcoming episode of "Ask Kyle". He LOVED doing that the last time. Kyle said some off-limit topics are girls, and where he lives. LOL