Friday, September 18, 2020

Bad Vibes Don't Go With My Outfit

 Happy Mid-September!

I think we can all agree that 2020 can basically suck balls. 

Except me. It is kind of a crappy year. It's put a lot of division in our world. The "discussions" on social media is driving families and friends apart. It's a year of covid and politics and don't think I don't believe those two things aren't related in some way. People are MEAN. 

'Cept I've decided to scroll on. For real. Bad vibes don't go with what I'm wearing on the inside anymore. Those mean people have broken hearts. 

I'm happy. I'm trying to set the example for the boys that they can be happy. Kyle is a negative thinker. Has a hard time shaking it off. And my example for him has helped to change his moods. 

We still struggle. We still have bad days. But I finally feel peace. And I'm hoping to rub that on to him a little more (when he will let me hug on him.)

I can't change his heart. But I hope I can change his vibes. He's an awesome brother and there is no doubt that he's not a teenager who strives to be like the "rest". He enjoys being an individual and sometimes that's hard and can make him a target for unpleasantness from his peers. 

Regardless of school and outside influences, I'm going to show him how to find his happy. He is so much part of my happy. 

David is doing good. And when his good vibes are in alignment, he is a light that you can't be drawn away from. He is pure magic and spark. 

When his happiness is out of whack, I'm learning to look forward to the next day and leave the current day in the past. Why live there?

As for me.....I'm past content and I'm happy and doing well. 
And if my happiness makes you uncomfortable, look the other way. I'm finally smiling for me again and my soul is good. It's not about the way I look on the outside, but the way I feel on the inside. 
I know that if I'm feeling low, that I only have to remember to flip the switch and turn on my light. 

If you're not rooting for me or for others, then you need to take a good, long look at your vibes. 

Maybe you need to look around the dark room you're in and find that light switch. 

Much peace and love to everyone. I can't help but feel this country is going to be in a bad vibe kinda place the next few months. 

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